
วันอังคารที่ 1 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Stories of ghosts.

     Issue for the whole world to find out why and prove it. Ghost is ture or not. and the world after death is ture.
     Each country had a legend about the ghosts. Thailand too had a "Ghost" is a myth. Thailand people  know and can not forget the horror of it. And I will gather the legendary ghosts in Thailand. Comes to you readers have known it.
     The first ghost.'s Legendary reptation. And Thailand as well. There is a "ghost Mae Nak"
 Mae Nak.,or Thailand ,most people call "Ya Nak" Origination from Watmahabut Bangkok in Thailand.Court of Mae Nak is located here. 

Some say that love Mae Nak and Por Mak.
Occurred during the reign of four. Some say itbhappened in the middle. King Rama 5.kingdom of Thailand.
     The story of Mae Nak. Has been built as a theater,a movie, a radio play, stage, or published several times.

     Mae Nak. become opus in the first in the year 1991. Title " Ei Nak Pha Ka Nong" is the singer plays. And has bee vary popular. and have brought create a first Movie in year 1927. By R.Anusac Hassadin.

     The story tells of Mae Nak Pra Ka Nong.

Mae Nak painting.
     A husband and wife. Find love and live together. as the wife of gestation. her husband had to go into the military.When the day of birth. Mae Nak can not child birth.
 Made her die ( Nonattainbility). Since then residents or people to meet with a women who carries the child. Stood at the pier every day. To await the return of her husband. One day her husband come back. She tried not to let her husband go out. four fear that her husband will know what she was dead. One day she made a lamon fell form the 2nd floor of the house. She had long reach to store lemon. Makes her husband come out of fear and run away. her sad and serious human grove. it is rampant.Make a monk ( Thailand is believed to be the king Pu To Phrom Rangsi ).is to subdve her. and took her away with skulls forehead. Spiritual love her so calm down.

Thanks for the picture :


